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Nöbetçi Pharmacy Details



It is on duty from 26 Aralık 19:00 - 27 Aralık 09:00
Nöbetçi Eczane ListesiBolu Mudurnu Pharmacy list on duty

NUR ECZANESI today Bolu Mudurnu It is among the pharmacies on duty in its location. NUR ECZANESI 27.12.2024 Cuma It will be open as a pharmacy on duty from 19:00 in the evening to 08:30 in the next day.

Bolu Mudurnu Pharmacy on Duty

NUR ECZANESI ve Bolu Mudurnu To the details you are looking for about the pharmacies on duty

List of nearest pharmacy on duty

When the working hours of the pharmacies are over, we can easily reach the pharmacies on duty whenever we need them. The oldest method used to access the pharmacy on duty list is to go to a pharmacy near you and check the pharmacy on duty list on its window. Today, with the widespread use of the internet, it has become easier to reach this list. You can quickly access this list according to your location on the Internet. Since it is difficult to find pharmacies open especially at night, we update the current list of pharmacies on duty in your area daily for you. The number of Pharmacies on Duty varies depending on the population of the provinces. Therefore, the number of pharmacies on duty is much higher in metropolitan areas.

Pharmacy On Duty Working Hours

Pharmacies work six days a week. On weekdays and Saturdays, working hours are 09:00 to 19:00, while pharmacy hours are more flexible. They serve 24 hours a day. Thus, patients can get support whenever they need it. To reach the nearest pharmacy on duty list, You can access it from this page.